Guest-Post: Why Visitability is Necessary

The following is a guest post authored by Melissa theSeed. Find her at or on Facebook at

I vividly remember a point in time where I wished desperately that the whole world was in a wheelchair, so that everyone could know what my daughter had to go through just to go to someone’s home. Now, it looks like the city of Austin, Texas is creating that world. Well, kind of.

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What’s the Best Thing to Do About Bullies?

Bullying affects everyone involved and no one comes out the winner. Even the bully is a victim. Anyone can be a bully and may not even realize it. Bullying can be physical or mental and can occur over the Internet, when the bully and the victim are not even in the same place. By creating an environment that promotes respect and acceptance, bullying can stop.

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Disability Etiquette: Beyond Wheelchairs

People who live with disabilities often face fear, discomfort, and hostility at a rate that far exceeds that encountered by those who do have no disability. The vast majority of such treatment is rooted in a basic lack of understanding about the challenges that come with having a disability, and the experience of sharing the world with people who do not. People often seek to fill in gaps in their knowledge, and when information is lacking, confusion and even fear may result.

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People First Language: I Am Not My Wheelchair

Consider the sentence:

“Christopher Reeve was a wheelchair-bound actor.”

To those familiar with his career before he suffered the accident which lead to his paralysis, this would be a gross misrepresentation of a popular and beloved figure. Why then, is it acceptable to characterize others in similar ways – even if they have lived with a disability from birth?

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State Accessibility Laws

By law, people with disabilities are ensured equal opportunities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination based on disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, telecommunications, commercial facilities, and state and local government. Along with the Americans with Disabilities Act, each state has their own laws regarding disability rights. The following resources will help you learn about the disability rights laws in your state.

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An Overview of Stephen Hawking

This article is brought to you by 1800wheelchair – The Power Wheelchair Store.

When life throws you a lemon, you don’t sulk, complain or feel sorry for yourself. Instead, you just make lemonadeYou make the most of the situation that is handed to you, just as Stephen Hawking has done in his lifetime of accomplishments, achievements and deeds while being severely disabled. Mr. Hawking is an extraordinary human being who defeated all odds and stood his ground in maintaining his sense of humor and integrity, despite his physical limitations. Society puts him in the same category as Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton for his knowledge and experience in Physics, Mathematics and Cosmology. He is a man defined not only by his disability, but by his accomplishments and his contributions to science.

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